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Career Coaching Lab appointments
possible again from March 04, 2025

work, nicer :-
Career Coaching Lab

From profiling results into practice.

Key topics, customizable to your needs

  • Your character traits, motives and competencies
    Use your strengths according to your profiling in a targeted and (not only) career-effective manner

  • Your personal stress record in the context of your personality
    Review the need for change and plan specifically. At the same time, use your own strengths as resources to overcome current and future challenges (self-efficacy, resilience)


  • Your further development
    Deepen the impulses for action and learning and your desires for the development of competencies and work on them in concrete terms in order to expand your repertoire of actions

  • Your current work situation 
    If applicable, make those career decisions that are due. Practically start the project “Find a job that suits me”: plan your strengths for the (new) job (with the impulses for suitable areas of activity, professional fields, jobs, leadership and job environments from the Career Profiler)

Avatar von Susanne Schwarzer

Susanne Schwarzer

Personality & Career Profiling
Frankfurt am Main, Germany 

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